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The latest version of my notebook now has a permanent home at https://skraak.kiwi
I have finished labelling the 1550 actual calls detected over the winter. Avianz performed very well with a true positive rate of 41%, compared to its usual 20-25%. I think this is due to calmer weather with less wind and no Australian frogs confusing the issue.
The total number of calls recorded on Pomona is now 5739.
The first kiwi call detected was at C05, 21:04:32 on 28 October 2021, they are a busy lot.
The pair at C05 continue to call frequently.
The lone male at D03 seems to have found a mate, 2 female calls at the end of July including one duet. Maybe she is from D09, time will tell. He does a lot of calling anyway, it may be related to the busy pair at D09
There is a very active pair at D09 at the moment with a lot of duets and close calls recorded. Both of these recordings were made on the same night, they were close and the weather good so noise is no a problem. 30/07 between 1:15 and 2:15 am.
H04 remains very busy. Loud female call, followed by various duets, impossible to choose.
There is now an active pair at J11 with lots of duets detected.
Quite a few duets at M04, unusually large number of female calls here. This was a noisy recorder, it must have got damp, but seems to have substantially sorted itself out with time.
Nice N14 duet (very loud):
Busy couple at T10, are they the same as the N14 Kiwi pair? Both of these duets are on the same night, 23/06 between 7 and 8 pm.
Calls are mostly very distant at WB09, I may take this recorder away as it is a little out of the way and it is probably picking up the pair from H04.
Is there an interaction between kiwi and morepork, there may be at D09 and T10.
Kaka, detected on the same flight at S13T and H04 on 19 June, 2 am.
The median number of calls per night at a site with a resident pair seems to settle at 4 calls, the exception is F09 but this may be because the recorder is elevated over a very large area, yet still sheltered from the worst weather. It is probably picking up calls from more than a single pair.
Notebook at skraak.kiwi
I have some improvements planned for when I have time:
Graph median detections per day by location.
Graph median duets per day by location.
Graph male and female detections for individual sites over time
Graph duets for individual sites over time