Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How Often Do Kiwi Call?
    2. When are Kiwi most vocal?
    3. How long is a call?
    4. How does vocalisation differ between sexes?
    5. Are there many duets?
    6. What does a baby Kiwi sound like?
    7. Does Kiwi activity change with the weather?
    8. Does Kiwi activity change with the moon phase?
    9. How do the Pomona Kiwi compare with other Tokoeka populations?
    10. Do rats bother Kiwi?
  2. Next

How Often Do Kiwi Call?

Over the whole of Pomona Island Kiwi average 0.3 calls per hour between sunrise and sunset.

An estabished breeeding pair calls 0.5 to 0.9 times per hour on average.

When are Kiwi most vocal?

During August at the start of breeding they make a lot of noise.

In the cold of winter they call less.

There is a small peak around 9-10 pm and 3-4 am, but they are pretty consistent all night.

How long is a call?

Median call length is around 25 seconds.

Male calls can be short sometimes, but generally would come in around 25 seconds.

Duets are often quite long, up to about a minute.

How does vocalisation differ between sexes?

Male Calls are often very whistle like.

Female Calls are lower and more gutteral, scream like.

Skraak Kiwi Radio (Spotify)

Are there many duets?

Not overall, the mean for all locations is 0.03 duets/hour.

Active breeding pairs sing togther 0.06 to 0.1 times per hour, which works out to one duet per night on a longer night.

Great duet from my favourite pair

What does a baby Kiwi sound like?

This is probably a baby kiwi

Does Kiwi activity change with the weather?

The Pomona Kiwi are most active at 12°C. They don't seem to be very active when it is below freezing or above 22°C.

Does Kiwi activity change with the moon phase?

No, there is no pattern. They do not call more at new moon.

How do the Pomona Kiwi compare with other Tokoeka populations?

Active sites on Secretary Island record 1.5 to 3 calls per hour, compared to the most active site on Pomona where 0.9 calls per hour is recorded.

This is likely due to higher population density, possibly different acoustics.

The data I analysed from Secretary Island is from 2 hours to midnight during April's. Pomona data is from sunset to sunrise for 18 months.

Do rats bother Kiwi?

Kiwi activity declines consistently until 50% of trail cameras on the island are detecting at least one rat per night.

They are clearly most vocal when rat numbers are very low.


Skraak on Github
Thanks to the Pomona Island Charitable Trust
Supported by Fiordland Packs

CC BY-SA 4.0 David Cary. Last modified: May 29, 2024.